Are you in a relationship?

Want to know God's plan for your romance?

This ministry exists to encourage people to seek the Lord, learn to hear His voice, and follow His leading. Much of the church enters relationships because of their own desires instead of God's leading. A romantic relationship that glorifies God requires walking by faith, purity, and following Christ's example.

Walking by faith means we obey what He has already told us to do, and trust that He will provide for our every need (whatever is good for us) in His perfect timing. Waiting on the Lord means we put our own desires aside to seek the Lord until we receive direction. If you are to marry, the only marriage you should desire is one arranged by God.

Already Married

Articles about being married and growing together in the Lord. God is using both people to conform each into the image of God.

Pursuing a Relationship

The following scripture studies are designed for those who are interested in (or are) pursuing a relationship and/or marriage. Please read the articles about Trusting God and the Leading of the Holy Spirit first if you have not.

Holy Spirit

Biblical Romance is a ministry focused on living a life of faith in Christ. That is, we take faith to the extreme (normal) level found in Scripture. Every area of our lives should be an act of faith in God. Just like Jesus (John 5:19, 8:28, & 12:49).